Posted on December 3, 2008 at 12:42pm EST. More.

It’s a marathon, not a sprint

Yesterday Apple’s iPhone Tech Talk World Tour stopped in New York City and I spent the day there. It is evident that Apple trains its employees on how to give a good presentation. I learned a few things and got a few new ideas, including a killer idea for FatWatch based on an off-hand comment made by John Geleynse.

Oh, and in case you think I’m all talk, the day after my last post I went running with my cousin John. My goal was not to have a heart attack, and I succeeded. Today I am going out to jog to my landlord’s office and drop off a rent check. Synergy!

In both areas (software and health) I am feeling very optimistic. In the past few days I’ve internalized the idea that if you work hard, in the long run, you will eventually succeed, even if today isn’t going so well.