Posted on January 16, 2009 at 4:30am EST. More.

What’s New in FatWatch 1.4

Wow, that was fast. I submitted FatWatch 1.4 on Wednesday and two days later it is available in the store. Other developers, I’d love to share my secret but I have no idea what I did. I was actually hoping I’d have a few more days to update the website.

Anyway, if you’re curious about what’s changed since FatWatch 1.3, here is a complete list of changes in FatWatch 1.4, minus some under the hood stuff that is only interesting to me.

Big New Feature: Body Mass Index (BMI) Monitoring

To enable, go to the More tab, switch it on, and select your height. Afterward BMI will be displayed in various places around the app, using the following color scheme: red for obese, yellow for overweight, green for normal, and blue for underweight. Classifications are based on the World Health Organization’s guidelines. Think BMI is bunk? Don’t turn it on, and you won’t have to look at it.









I hope you find it worth the wait.